A forklift's brake cable is a flexible piece of wiring used to pass mechanical force by the movement of an inside workpiece, which usually consists of a steel cable. As this wire moves independently from the outer cable jacket, it transfers kinetic energy generated by the linear motion of a brake pedal being depressed.
This force converts into a pulling force that activates an attached master cylinder to actuate the brakes themselves. In turn, this allows a forklift to stop. Similar components pair with other related pieces of industrial and commercial equipment.
We asked the experts here at Helmar Parts for more information about the best way to deal with brake cable replacement part acquisition. The answers were surprising because they were much more straightforward than we had initially expected.
Several different types of brake cables are used on forklifts. When operating engineers say that a brake cable is going bad, they usually mean that they want to replace one of the standard brake cables that actuate the vehicle's stopping power whenever pressure gets applied to the pedals. These are the most important because they're vital for the daily operation of a forklift. Innumerable other related pieces of equipment also use these brake cables.
Any operating engineer will tell you that you should only run a piece of gear with all of the parts attached to it working, however, which is why repair crews will want to invest in replacements for their emergency brake cables as well. These are only used when somebody throws the emergency stop switch on a forklift or related vehicle.
Though this may only happen sometimes, you want to avoid being in a situation where this would fail if needed. On top of that, emergency brakes sometimes ensure a parked vehicle never moves. The emergency stop makes them highly crucial.
Accelerator cables are technically the opposite of brake cables, but they use the exact mechanism to transfer the mechanical downward pressure of a pedal to a different potentially electromechanical circuit. You may elect to swap these out when the brake cables get replaced. Then everything attached to your forklift or cart is in working condition. Repair technicians will generally be able to replace accelerator cables using the same techniques they rely on when working on the brakes.
Periodic advances in materials processing technology have enabled engineers to develop new brake cable designs. This has allowed technical specialists to continue to replace their cables the same way they always have, regardless of how the steel cables inside are manufactured. Nevertheless, the same basic underlying principles have always remained the same.
You can replace the ones on your forklift without dedicated machine tools. In most instances, you will only need something already in your organization's implementation shed.
Helmar Parts wants to ensure you have access to your forklift's latest brake levers, cables, and more. We retail these components at aftermarket prices for your benefit.
Contact the team here at Helmar Parts for more information about the best replacement brake cables on the market. Our team will ensure that you have access to high-quality repair components.