Countless vintage tractors, trucks, forklifts, and other pieces of constructor or agricultural equipment come with mechanical breaker points built into the ignition system. Most classic cars and boats are built around the same kind of technology. While these vehicles might not have much in common, they're all designed with these mechanical components in mind. You'll want to convert these to a more modern electrical start system in a majority of cases.
If you were to try and track down all of the parts that you needed for an igniter set independently of your engine, then you could get stuck paying a huge bill. It would probably take you quite a long time as well.
A much better idea would be to get an 1142 ignitor kit, which contains all the parts you?d need to refurbish the ignition system on many types of compatible engines. Specialty designs, like the 1145A ignitor kit, are also available so you?ll be able to match these with a wide variety of engines.
Technicians would often advocate matching parts based on make, model, and year. However, that's not always possible, especially with the types of small engines that are used in the agricultural and warehousing industries.
If you're ever faced with this kind of decision, then you'll want to keep the original design specifications in mind as well as the dimensions of the existing component. By thinking of safety as well as reliability, you'll be able to identify the kind of starter system that will best fit the engine you currently have. The Pertronix brand includes a wide variety of components you can pick from, so you should be able to find something suitable.
Those who do know which igniter they're looking for shouldn't have any difficulties due to this wide-reaching product line. Hobbyists have actually turned to the Pertronix line because of fact that they've historically been able to find each of the components necessary to rebuild their favorite small engines. It's likely that many of them will turn to it time and time again as more people seek to keep their existing gear working longer.
With the possible exception of those who want to preserve existing equipment by using all original parts, electrical ignitions are a great idea. Helmar Performance Technology Parts has put together a collection of Pertronix ignitor kits that can help you get your vintage vehicle working again.
Depending on the make and model of the piece of equipment you're working with, there's a good chance that it won't take much to get it running again. In fact, you might want to look at a spring kit or other type of housing adapter because something with an existing electrical ignition system may simply require a minor repair.
With the possible exception of those who want to preserve existing equipment by using all original parts, electrical ignitions are a great idea. Helmar Performance Technology Parts has put together a collection of Pertronix ignitor kits that can help you get your vehicle working again with engine performance.
That being said, there's always the strong possibility that you'll want to swap out the entire igniter for a new one. When that happens, feel free to contact us online at Helmar. We'll be sure to get you all of the information you need to move forward with your vehicle restoration or reclamation projects.